IF YOU ARE A GUEST OF WALTON BASEBALL TO THIS SITE, you do not need to login/register to access the external ordering and payment features of this site. Simply choose your menu option above. If you are being prompted for parent info, please first logout in the upper right corner.
IF YOU ARE THE PARENT OF A PLAYER TRYING OUT FOR THE 2025 WALTON BASEBALL PROGRAM, log in or create a Membership Toolkit account. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same login and password here.
For questions accessing this site, please contact Heather Brown at hhoover75@hotmail.com
Returning User?
If you have a Membership Toolkit user account,
even with another organization,
you can log in here:
New User?
If you don't have a Membership Toolkit user account, you can create one now: